Dean Sharp has played and/or recorded with an array of creative artists as diverse as Moby, Brad Mehldau, Stephen Vitiello, Elliott Sharp, Joe Lovano, John Stubblefield, Liz Gorrill (aka Kazzrie Jaxen), jazz legend Hugh Brodie, Tony Levin, Mark Ribot, Steve Swallow, Carter Burwell, David Arner and Jane Siberry.
He has written and recorded with notorious loop-miester David Torn
(SPLaTTeRCeLL project), colead his own ensembles....earmight (w/ Dean Jones, David Hofstra, Russ Johnson and Ken Mcgloin) and trio loCo (w/ Marc Dzuiba and studioStu)....and is presently the creative catalyst for:::
::SONic 150 (trio w/ trumpet notebender Russ Johnson and bass wizard Michael
::scribbleScrabbLe (duo w/ videographer Thomas Moore),
::3:2:1 (w/ Ken Mcgloin and Russ Johnson) and
::sanDwich (w/ fellow percussionist Harvey Sorgen and mystery
"third person du jour’!)

As a producer/remixer, sharp’s sonic palette has no boundaries. He has
‘pushed the envelope’ for a wide variety of projects including records with
Indian flutest Steve Gorn, cellist Stephanie Winters, klezmer/world artist Zoe B Zak, bassist Steve Rust’s PULSAR and indie faves Louise Taylor and Stoneboat....
all the while continuing to be active in the soundscape world of art installations (w/ Stephen Vitiello), film/videography (Nam June Paik, Tom Moore) and jingle
Sharp has played a vital role in the recordings and live performances of such
innovative singer/songwriters as Rachael Sage, Greg Brown, Donna Lewis, MIMI (goese), Noe Venable and Jill Sobule and is on call for Todd Sickafoose’s Blood Orange.

His studies have taken him through the history of the drums, and music in
general.... from the late Elvin Jones and Tony Williams, to living legends such as
Jack Dejohnette, Michael Carvin, and Narada Michael Walden....
from the expanded worldbeat of the late Colin Walcott, to master percussionists
Nana Vasconcelos and Montego Joe.

As a student of music for theater at Sarah Lawrence College, sharp worked
extensively with Wilford Leach (Public Theater) and John Braswell (the
Kitchen Theater Arts Group).... all of this creating a keen sense of appreciation for what isn’t there and the ability to find it, if necessary!

Along with teaching privately, Dean has done master classes for the jazz
department at SUNY New Paltz. He has conducted production, composition and “listening” workshops at various venues, including The New School (NYC) and Unison Arts Center (assisted by Meet The Composer grants). He has led improv ensemble and extended percussion technique workshops in affiliation with his endorsers.

Ears, sensitivity, technical prowess and a love for the ‘black hole”....
these attributes define this ‘purveyor of all things musical’.

click title to listen
> earmight (Cashing Out)...."RIFFed"
> rustEDsharp (TBA)...."#2B (or not to be)"
> splAttErcEll/ David Torn (OAH)...."is Love"
> D & d (Live @ Elaine's)...."5 Piece"
> Louise Taylor (TBA)...."Nobody's Fault "
> Fluff (@ Rosie's)...."handjive REmix"
> Picture This (w/ Stephanie Winters)...."Oddball Rhumba"
> stoneboat (stoneboat)...."I want you"
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